Tuesday, 30 March 2010


We went to the Farmers Market and wandered around. One of the stalls sold cheese. Not the tasteless Hungarian stuff but proper hard cheeses. Bought a kilo of cheddar and a smaller amount of some other strong cheese and we got a free sample of Austrian cheese thrown in. I'm seriously thinking of spending all my future birthdays here as a treat!

Monday, 29 March 2010


Off to Graz for a night.

Its quite interesting going there with no borders. Either side of the border, the houses are obviously part of the same tradition but the Austrian side are better kept.

Got to Graz easy enough. The strange thing was the hotel never asked us for our passports. Never come across that before.


One of the more picturesque buildings on the Herrengasse street.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Even more digging.

Slowly widening the fruit patch and have planted the rhubarb.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Fruit Patch

I'd started to open out the fruit patch before my parents appeared but now I needed to put a spurt on to plant some rhubarb.

I've lost about a stone too with all this gardening. Now the snows gone I have to do at least some digging every day to try and open some of the plot up.

Monday, 22 March 2010


Had a text from my parents that they'd be arriving at about 3 or 4pm. They eventually turned up at 7pm!

Got loads of goodies such as garden books for brewing, how to make cider... In short how to turn garden produce into alcohol!

Also brought some much missed British food such as beans, chilli sauces and guinness.

Sunday, 21 March 2010


Originally uploaded by A John Walters

Finished off the 3mx3m patch and started putting in all the garlic plants I started off in Feb. Even if I plant out some more late, at least these ones should should have a full growing season.

The damp patch is where I've just planted alternate rows of red onions and carrots.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Quince Trees

Finally remembered to upload them.

Quince trees planted

2 different varieties. No idea which ones which though!

Did some more digging and Steve popped around to give me something.

Thursday, 18 March 2010


More digging today. Knocked off for lunch and did a bit more in the afternoon.

This double digging lark is quite knackering when you're out of shape. I estimated that each row I dig involves me moving a cubic metre of earth, which I guess is about a ton. So three tonnes today! No wonder I feel so tired so no pub tonight and an early night.

I put out one of my tomato seedlings to start hardening it off but the things seems to have died instead.

Oh, I forgot the photos. I'll try and remember tomorrow.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Runcible Spoon

The two Quince trees I ordered online arrived today. They were COD. Interesting that, as COD has virtually died out in the UK but here is how you shop online. Suits me. It worked out at about £17 for the pair, including delivery

Spent a good hour planting them. Took a few shots but the sun was so bright I couldn't see the LCD screen so I took pictures of next doors barn by mistake. I'll do some tomorrow morning.

Come Autumn, if they crop well I'll have to buy some mince and a runcible spoon.

I'm definitely unfit, digging the 2 holes knackered me out. Wouldn't be too bad but I have to crack on with the garden tomorrow. I'd like to finidh the plot byt Friday and do some planting over the weekend.

Forgot to mention that it snowed overnight but by the time I started digging holes for the trees, not only had the snow gone but I was down to my T-shirt!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010


Tuesday instead of Monday.

Went to Tescos to get some Guinness for tomorrow but completly forgot about it after looking in the gardening section. Ho Hum, St Paddy's day without Guinness, its just not right.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Bank Holiday

Today is a Bank Holiday so didn't do my usual Monday trip to Körmend.

It commemorates the 1848 uprising against the Habsburgs. Apparently, this is the source of the Hungarian taboo against clinking glasses. To be fair I haven't clinked my glasses so much since being here! I read somewhere that the taboo got cancelled after 150 years but I cant find anything about the taboo one way or another.

I notice I haven't blogged as much as I should so rather than try and remember each individual detail for each day I may just do a summary.