Monday 3 August 2009


Got up about 5 and put the bin out. Had breakfast then went up the shop for bread.

I did a bit of weeding and watered some new seeds I planted and by then it was already sweltering. And this was 8 O'Clock!

Seeing as not much was going to be done in the garden I thought I would phone my bank up for a certificate for the Residency Permit. They have the same sort of system as us. Liasten to some crap muzak while you wait in a queue.

While they were helpful enough, due to the language barrier I had to go back in the queue until I struck lucky and got someone who spoke good English. I eventually got a bloke switched on enough that he brought the English speaker to the phone rather than put me in the queue again. Sorted out my new address and they said they'd post a certificate by a week or two.

Odd thing while giving my address, I had to spell the name of the village. Then they said exactly the same as I did!

Me: Ho-lodge
Them: Don't understand, could you spell it?
Me spells "Ho-lodge"
Them: Ah you mean Ho-lodge!
Me (losing will to live): Meh, whatever.

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