Saturday 22 August 2009


I harvested most of the apples before I went to Budapest but hadn't done anything else with them. The idea was to get a fruit crusher and then use a fruit press to extract the juice.

Didn't seem like that many so I got out my electric juicer and started with that. I filled the bucket with water so the apples got most of the major crap washed off them without the wild yeasts being cleaned off too. I chopped them into manageable bit with the cleaver. There were a few more apples than I thought so next year a fruit crusher will be acquired.

Got about 5-10L of juice in my fermentation vessel so I sealed the lid and put an airlock in it. Apparently the wild yeasts take a few weeks to get going. This is a bit of an experiment as ideally I should have dosed it with sulphur and used wine yeast, especially as I'm a beginner! Well, we'll see.

I'll probably get some demijohns in a week or so and rack off the juice in to them to carry on fermenting so I can free up the fermentation vessel for beer. I've also located an Austrian firm that does UK beer kits... and wine kits... and bread kits... and stills!

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