Friday 28 August 2009

Not Weed

Today I decide to turn the Knot weed into not weed by using the roundup I bought. i compared the strengths with my british super strong stuff and its 3 times weaker. I also discovered a flaw in my previous attempt. I reckon it might have been weaker by a 5th of what what recommended! No wonder it still looks healthly.

So to get the right strength using the new bottles I needed 60 ml per litre. basically all 4 bottles into 1 watering can. I mixed the batch up, even rinsing the bottles into the can to save all that killing goodness. I'll take a look in a weeks time and see how its done. I've saved the super strength stuff in order to use in injecting it in September. Cut the canes and squirt some neat stuff down the centre.

If all this fails, I'll tip petrol over it and torch it.

Watered the plants as I reckon that every other day probably isn't good for the beans although the peas love it. Heard a pig squealing like nobody's business from one of the neighbours. As there was a tractor in the vicinity I'm guessing they were killing it with the tractor to move the carcass.

About 12:30 I decided to catch the 12:50 bus into Kormend. I was going on Saturday as the forecast was rain but then I remembered the bus times are all over the place.

Pork for stewing was 20% off so I got a couple of kilos for the freezer. Got some beer so Saturdays cancelled :)

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