Tuesday 8 September 2009


Today had a bit of a minor panic. I'm having 2 deliveries; one of shiny new gardening toys and another of beer-making stuff. Trouble is I've barely enough to cover them both so I need to get some money. Hopefully the Posta van will turn up and i can get my money before the parcels.

As it happened, the van turned up as I was getting money from the bloke in the Posta van. (same guy who gave steve the run around 'cos he couldn't be arsed to work the machine. Anyway, i had 2 cards, 1 chipped and one without so I'd argue the toss if he said they both didn't work)

The guy delivering must have been the same one last time as he clocked me getting money and came straight over. didn't bother going to the door. So I gave him the money I'd just got!

Reminds me of the rhyme
That money talks. I'll not deny, I heard it once: It said, "Good-bye."

I got some secateurs to prune the trees, a spray bottle to wash my beans and more roundup for the Japanese knotweed.

I put the Roundup to immediate use and filled my pressure spary with the soltion and gave the patch a good sraying with it. You can easily make out where the watering can went last time as it appears as 2 semi-circular bites into the patch. Using the spray I managed to cover the complete plot using half the amount of weedkiller. Should have got one when I ordered the 1st lot. More importantly IO was able to spray the underside of the leaves which, apparenlty, is more effective for Knotweed.

Oh, seeing how I got the wrong version of Vista I thought I'd get Windows 7 instead of the Ultimate version of Vista. 2GB though!

1 comment:

  1. 10 Weeks today John.
    How is your plan working out.
    Don,t be afraid to ask for any help.
