Sunday 26 July 2009

Managed to do a bit in the garden. I went up the borders with the neighbours and cut the grass. Well, I say grass but it was mostly nettles on the one side. I used the scythe and once you get the swing right, its actually faster and less tiring than using a strimmer for the same area.

In effect I have three windrows of hay. Since I don't have any animals yet, I'm not entirely sure what I can do with it. I'll leave them for the worms for now, although they'd have to be the size of Pythons to eat this lot.

I did about an hour before the sweat started pouring off the brim of my cap. Thats my timer these days! I know I've done enough when that happens.

Some beans and peas have sprouted. I'll wait a bit longer before putting up the bean poles to keep them off the ground

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