Monday 20 July 2009


Went to the shop at the usual time to get some milk and bread.

By 9 I was out in the garden doing some digging. Managed another 3 rows before calling it quits. Did some calculations on the volumes I'm shifting and its about 1 metric tonne of earth moved in every three rows. No wonder I'm knackered!

I was also a bit stiff from all the scything but the digging sorted that out.

I've worked out that another 6 or 7 rows should finish the plot (and me) off. So if I can keep up the tonne a day lark I'll finish by Wednesday.

Afterwards I went to Körmend to do some shopping. This time I rehearsed the "Which stop" question which threw me last week. I asked for the stop near the mansion or "Kastély mellet van". He didn't asked anything else and the ticket had "Kastély" on it so it worked!


I thought it would be a good idea to go to Tescos. Well, I now know how far away it is and its about 20 minutes walk away from the bus-stop. I get dropped off at 13:20 and the next bus is 14:30 so this meant I had about 20 mins to find everything and then 20 mins to get back. Didn't find everything.

When I go to back I went to the house up the road where they sell their produce. I got more eggs and potatoes.

Its amazing how much meat there isn't in the shops. The country is basically agrarian and yet you're lucky to find pork in the shops. Since not everyone in the village have pigs or chickens they must be doing what I'm doing. Bulking up the meal with cheap carbs with eggs and cheese as the only protein source. (Also might explain why they seem to be of the same range of heights as us shortarse Welsh)

Thursday will be 40C in the shade. I think I'll be forced to stay inside and drink cold water (or beer) all day.

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